Our mission is: To announce the hope in Christ, our confidence in the fulfillment of God’s promises to us and preaching the Good News that God is reconciled with the world through Christ

The minister media


Pastor Gadalla Nagib Tiab is Egyptian. He graduated from Evangelical Seminary School in Cairo, Egypt. Pastor Gadalla has studied and earned a BA in Theology, BA in History and leadership. God has used Pastor Gadalla to plant a church in the South of Cairo, Egypt, and in Birmingham, UK. Pastor Gadalla is currently ministering in the Arabic Community Church Brighton, a church he founded in 2006.

Pastor Gadalla’s Media


Brighton Arabic Community Church sees each member as one of the family. Despite being a church of many cultures and nationalities we are united firstly by God and then by a common language – Arabic. We enjoy not only worshipping together but also sharing life with one and other. Food in particular is an important part after our church meetings and you’ll often find church members bringing food from their home country for us all to enjoy together!

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We have something for everyone. We’re all on a journey to become more like Jesus – loving God, loving people, building the church together.

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